Motivation Factor PinPointer
The Pinpointer assessments are exploiting the same powerful research and proven methods that drive all our programs – from building resilience and emotional intelligence to identifying and applying inherent talents and passions for lasting motivation.
Hierarchy of Motivation
The Pinpointer is based on the Hierarchy of Motivation. Recent brain research supports the theory that your ability to incorporate new learning and manage change grows proportionally with how well you can take care of each level in the Hierarchy of Motivation.
The Hierarchy of Motivation is based theoretically and empirically on positive and cognitive psychology, well-established motivation theories, and recent discoveries in neuropsychology.
The underlying philosophy behind the Hierarchy of Motivation is that to achieve lasting motivation, you must:
- Identify and act on the things that drain your energy
- Understand the impact of, and assume responsibility for, your needs
- Actively apply and leverage your innate talents
- Become purpose-driven in your contributions, goals and choices

Calculated from the response to 112 questions, the Pinpointer report will provide insight into the following:
- The level of individual motivation in the form of Motivation Capabilities and Intrinsic Motivation
- The Individual’s motivation factors in the form of their top 3 needs and top 3 talents